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LKR: A Refection on Our Identity in Christ

A few nights ago, I sat down to write a letter to my baby girl. By baby girl, I mean my five year old daughter. She’s had an interesting journey on earth so far, one that’s a little more difficult than most...but that’s not the point of this post. The point is, I wanted her to know her identity was not have to spend a lifetime wondering if she’s enough. I wrote: “...I want you to be able to say I AM FREE. And to know it all the way down to that gorgeous, thoughtful heart of yours who you are ... but you know what baby girl? You don’t need a name, or a diagnosis, or a reason to know it. You can already know. You are a child of God.You are beloved. You are adored. You are redeemed. You are adopted. You are NEVER alone. You are part of the body of Christ -- an important part. These are the only things that will make you feel full. And baby girl, seek them out. Find your identity in Christ. Rest in the permanence of his promise, his always enduring love, and c
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Welcome to Grace Over Perfection

It has been suggested to me more than once that I blog about things and stuff, and so while I'm not completely certain blogging will amount to much more than a few random thoughts here and there, I decided I may as well give it a try. I have blogged previously (, but it has never been something I have felt particularly committed too or gifted at. I do enjoy writing though, and I do have many thoughts that often don't feel fit for a facebook or instagram feed. we go! For anyone who may come across this that doesn't know me personally (unlikely), I am Sarrah, a mother of two -- a currently 5 year old daughter Loyce and a 3.5 year old son Elijah -- and a stay at home parent. My husband and I live in the Pacific Northwest, and have for essentially our entire lives. We attend Coram Deo Church in Bremerton, Washington, where we are gifted weekly with an incredible church family led by thoughtful Pastors  who preach the word of God. The ti